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Discorso di Hitler: "E' l'ora delle decisioni" (1939)

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An attempt at Nuremburg in April 1939 to ready the youth of Germany to the eventuality of war:

"What is our Germany of today! How very beautiful and heroic! When I cast my gaze upon you, I know my life's struggle is not being fought in vain! You shall always remain faithful, as German always have. There will always be a new generation of youth, in this city, a city which saw the passage of centuries will see new generations. They will be even more beautiful, they will be even more powerful, and they shall inspire in the hearts of the living even greater hope for the future. I do not bewail - I sound a warning! I am not fear stricken, but I want you to be prepared! I do not tremble at the hour of decision, but I want you to see, and I want to be strong. I want my feet planted strongly in our earth, ready to withstand any onslaught! And you will stand by my side should that hour ever come. You will stand before me, behind me and beside me and at my hands, and together, we shall carry our banners to victory!"

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